Flirc windows 10
Flirc windows 10

flirc windows 10

With the old Firmware only the "double press Button" Problem is gone! Buttons record works fine with all firmwares one clickbut in Mediaportal with Firmware 3.

flirc windows 10

Ok, up,down, left, right, enter works, nothing else! And i must press each button two times to take Effekt! That happens with the RC6 Remote also the other Remotes! Maybe a try with an older GUI and Firmware is a option! But i also need a download link for the older GUI! If you have to press each button twice, just record them twice. Ok, installed Flirc Receiver, Firmware updated to Version 3. I'll update the current version so that whatever was working in this, works in the latest.

flirc windows 10

Can you let me know what was wrong with the previous version.

Flirc windows 10